What You Should Do When You Find Oil Beneath Your Property In Alberta

by | Jan 28, 2020 | Construction & Maintenance

Out in your yard one day, you begin to smell a distinct odor. As you walk around your vast property following the odor’s trail, you begin to see cracks and tar-like oil seeping through it. You think to yourself, “I’ve struck gold, black gold.” You continue to investigate your property but decide to call an expert. A few days have passed and the phone rings. “Yes, it’s oil.” Today, we will discuss what you should do when you find out you have oil beneath your property in Canada.


Since you have already taken the first step in having the mineral verified by an expert, the next step is knowing the local regulations and licenses needed to begin extracting your liquid gold from beneath your property. This also means checking mineral rights and learning about the Freehold Mineral Tax.

Legal Counsel

Researching all the different regulations and applications can be overwhelmingly daunting. Hiring an attorney or legal counsel will definitely make it easier for you as they are experts in legal matters. Consider hiring an attorney with expertise that lies specifically in natural gas and oil.

So you may have completed all the necessary steps to begin extracting the oil from your property and are now looking for oil pipeline companies in Alberta to help construct a pipeline and a facility. Look no further than to the professionals at Platinum Pipefitting Inc. They have over 16 years of experience in pipeline and facility construction. They also offer maintenance services.

So when looking for professional oil pipeline companies in Alberta, they are the ones to contact. Call or visit our website so you can begin extracting and processing today.

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